Sunday, July 21, 2013

Raw Sewage

The new Disney Beach Movie is on. I asked Little Cat G if that was Austin from Austin and Ally and she says "Yes that's RawSewage." I started laughing and asked "Raw Sewage?" She laughs and says, "no Mom, Ross Lynch!" I had forgotten what she said and I asked her if she had said Randy Moss and I get the dumb look and slowlyyyy "Rosss Lynchhhh." Part of the old crew I am...

"I'm fat, you know it!"

Little Cat G (not Baby Cat G!) just went to the fan, put her shirt over it and it blew up and out. She says, "Hey look Mom, now I'm fat like you. Like your stomach and your boobs." Hey thanks kid. At least she's honest. In case you missed it this wasn't the baby!